How to build a Freelance Marketplace with Adobe Commerce at Singapore

How to build a Freelance Marketplace with Adobe Commerce at Singapore

In this article we will be discussing how one can build a freelance marketplace using Adobe commerce cloud.

Due to this Pandemic situation businesses are facing huge losses and because of that their are losses of jobs around the world. The major workforce is struggling with a money crunch situation and they are ending up with freelance jobs.

There are several websites which provide a Freelance platform. Where freelancers can register for a particular job and work for a 3rd party.

Upwork is one of the biggest among them. Which got an increase of 20.57% over the previous year and is the largest freelance provider in the US.

By seeing this hefty increase in the freelance workforce now people are more likely to build a freelance marketplace. Together with SmartOSC to clarify the details How to build a Freelance Marketplace with Adobe Commerce through the following article.

Key Points to Consider for a freelance marketplace

Building a freelance marketplace is not that easy and one should consider these key points to start with. We have bifurcated this in 2 parts i.e –

Interaction with the Marketplace

Easy Registration– The freelance website has 2 types of users i.e Customers and freelancers. The easy registration will help the users to initiate easily with the new freelance platform.

Verification- As the freelance website or any other service based website you must ensure the authenticity of the user behind the particular account.

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Advanced Searching– The freelance marketplace must have an advanced search feature where the customer or the freelancer can search the required job or personnel easily by using an advanced search option.

Project/Work Listing– The customer/user can post a job or project for the freelancers, so that they can know that a specific customer wants a freelancer for a specific skill or for a specific domain.

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Interaction between Customer & Freelancer

Bidding Mechanism– One of the key aspects of building a freelance marketplace is Bidding. where the freelancers can easily bid for a particular project which they want to work upon. It will help the customer to select the best freelancers among the bidders for a particular project. 

Communication- The freelance Marketplace must have a free and open way for the easy communication between customers and the freelancers.

Whenever a customer wants to get the job done by a freelancer so they must have a free communication channel. It is important because they can build trust and understanding about the project.

So communication plays a vital role in the freelance marketplaces.

Commencement of the project

Project management tools– Working on a project takes a lot of effort and dedication for the freelancers. On the other side the customer must believe and trust the workforce hired by them thus to manage both the sides a good project management tool is a must.

This will certainly help the freelancers to submit the proper updates about the work done and the customer can easily track the project. It will help the customer to build trust among the freelance workforce which they have hired.

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Payments- This is the most crucial aspect of a freelance marketplace. To build a trustworthy freelance website the payment mechanism should have key features like-

  • There should be a proper escrow payment system.
  • Major payment gateway/cards accepted.
  • Management of refunds.

The freelance website must have some trusted freelancers therefore the customer can pay directly to the freelancers without any escrow as they are trusted by the host website.

The trusted partners should have a certain years of experience and good delivery rate for the project therefore they can achieve a trusted badge for the payments as well as they can get priority projects leads.

Final delivery/reviews– This is one of the most critical touch points on which the complete trust of all the entities depends upon. Delivering a project in a timely and in a proper way is very much important for any freelancer.

Every customer wants the best quality and timely work. So the freelance website must have a mechanism where a special report should be maintained. Where the customer as well as the freelancer can rate or review their experience on completion of the project.

Which will bring the credibility of the freelancers and their work performed. This can be used as a note for the freelance user accounts.

Why Adobe Commerce-

Adobe commerce is the most versatile and scale-able platform and it is having the largest community engagement. Which will help you to get the right development partner easily and there are tons of pre built solutions available around this platform.

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Adobe have now introduced their AEM tool to enhance the content management.


In the above article we discussed that as per the market demand the freelance marketplace is on boom. Freelancing can be a fast and affordable way to get started working as your own boss.

Building a freelance marketplace can get you easy income by earning the commission on projects. Every freelance website have their own commission mechanism and that works well as the income source for the Marketplace owner.

 Article source: Adobe Commerce Singapore

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